I was invited to join this group so I can share my collection of art, pictures, and articles related to Star Trek and my time in fandom. My name is Dave but I go by the moniker of 'keel' or 'keel131'. I am a Klingon fan. Below is my award-winning costume. This image was taken Halloween 2010. I quit costuming at the end of 2011. My vest was made for me by a friend but all the props were made by Paramount Studios from their own molds. My goatee is real, the hair is a wig. I do my own latex appliance work and my own makeup. The sleeves of my uniform are REAL fur seal fur, which is illegal to even own but I got it from a mink stole I found at Goodwill that was 70 years old when I bought it. The Klingon banner is one I made and which I hiked to the top of Mt. St. Helens to claim for the Empire. Anything that spits death and destruction is worthy of Empire! My character's name was Admiral Keel epetai K'ta-ri and I ran the worldwide Klingon fanclub called 'Klingon Strike Force' for twelve years. I have won numerous awards and been featured in many tv news clips, radio interviews, college/university interviews and have spoken at the Boeing aircraft Star Trek Association. I have put on two Klingon conventions - one in Seattle and one in the north of England, where I was crowned Emperor and worldwide leader of all Klingons and was featured on the front page of the London Times newspaper with the headline 'KLINGONS INVADE ENGLAND!' I also developed the original Klingon computer text font seen on the various Star Trek tv shows. Did that before there was even font software! I dreamed up and co-authored the successful Klingon manual 'Klingon Covert Operations Manual'. So, that is a brief intro to my life within fandom. More stories to come.... Dave, aka Keel K'ta-ri
I was invited to join this group so I can share my collection of art, pictures, and articles related to Star Trek and my time in fandom. My name is Dave but I go by the moniker of 'keel' or 'keel131'. I am a Klingon fan. Below is my award-winning costume. This image was taken Halloween 2010. I quit costuming at the end of 2011. My vest was made for me by a friend but all the props were made by Paramount Studios from their own molds. My goatee is real, the hair is a wig. I do my own latex appliance work and my own makeup. The sleeves of my uniform are REAL fur seal fur, which is illegal to even own but I got it from a mink stole I found at Goodwill that was 70 years old when I bought it. The Klingon banner is one I made and which I hiked to the top of Mt. St. Helens to claim for the Empire. Anything that spits death and destruction is worthy of Empire! My character's name was Admiral Keel epetai K'ta-ri and I ran the worldwide Klingon fanclub called 'Klingon Strike Force' for twelve years. I have won numerous awards and been featured in many tv news clips, radio interviews, college/university interviews and have spoken at the Boeing aircraft Star Trek Association. I have put on two Klingon conventions - one in Seattle and one in the north of England, where I was crowned Emperor and worldwide leader of all Klingons and was featured on the front page of the London Times newspaper with the headline 'KLINGONS INVADE ENGLAND!' I also developed the original Klingon computer text font seen on the various Star Trek tv shows. Did that before there was even font software! I dreamed up and co-authored the successful Klingon manual 'Klingon Covert Operations Manual'. So, that is a brief intro to my life within fandom. More stories to come.... Dave, aka Keel K'ta-ri